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Writing Personhood: Adoptees Only

Writing and reclaiming identity for those who were raised without one.

350 US dollars

Available spots

Service Description

We adoptees have had our very identities erased since the moment we were surrendered. We have grown up expected to be someone we are not, and as adults we are now coming out of the fog and reclaiming our identities for ourselves by searching for belonging, and by trying to heal the trauma that’s referred to as the primal wound. It's so deep that we don’t remember it but so real we could never forget it. It touches everything we do and feel and are, but sometimes we don't even know how to put it into words. We'll look at some powerful excerpts from adoption memoirs and essays and we’ll play with ways to tell our stories. We'll have guest adoptee authors visit class and talk about their journeys as writers and adoptees. We'll also write from prompts, from our guests' writings, and from our discussions. This is a place to get comfortable sharing our words with other adopted people only. It’s a place to develop trust and community. In our class we will not workshop but rather we will share our work with each other and the only response we will receive is a simple “thank you” and clapping, finger snapping, or prayer hands. Over the course of our eight weeks together, we will begin to shape on the page those parts of our stories that we've felt but struggled to articulate so that we can leave the class with new tools to keep telling our stories. The goal of this class is to be able to keep it all flowing long after class is over. Payment by Venmo to @Aimee-Christian or PayPal to strongly preferred or through this website in full. Deposit to save your spot of $150 by Venmo and then contact me for payment plan or aid if needed.

Contact Details

Boston, MA, USA

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